At last I decided to have a blog about my book reviews, it is going to take awhile for me to post all the books I have read as I am an avid reader. So please bare with me especially with the time I am taking to remember about all the books I have read. NGEEE!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was introduced to me by my dear friend Leon who owns a small and cozy plus warm bookstore at Summit USJ. I trust his judgements in selecting books for me to read. And this one definitely hit the jackpot. Please bear in mind that I have not read Twilight and Hunger Games before reading this, nor have I watched the movie (till today that is -3:3:2013) After not being able to engaged myself into the world of protagonists and antagonists, I was sucked into this particular world in seconds and it lasted till 3/4 of the book. A night well spent since I am slowly suffering from insomnia. The story of  the two protagonist was so well written that one would definitely want to turn the page to know what happens next. Adam's Family VS 'Normal' Town is a unique combination of setting, plot and characters. It got me asking 'Maybe, just maybe... This type of world do exists "- but that could be my insomnia talking. It questions unconditional love from families, loyalty in friendship, being abandon, ridicule for not being normal like the others and definitely one's power to control oneself from evils. Tq Leon! ( )

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Poppy Shakespeare

Poppy ShakespearePoppy Shakespeare by Clare Allan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book at e@curve and bought two. One for me and one for Shima Scarlett. As I expected, both of us love to book. If you are familiar with my choice of books, you might have already realized that 50% of the book I bought are those that I can relate with. so with this book, it is about being in a psychiatric ward and surrounded with people with various exceptional problems. If your really want to know what happens in this type of closed and guarded vicinity , you must not only read, GIRL interrupted or Man Interrupted. This book is similar with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. It covers a lot of psycological issues that seem to be normal to me but might be abnormal to you. It is a story about a girl name Poppy who has to stay or be present in a psychiatric ward. Check out the movie. !!!

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Th1rteen R3asons Why

Thirteen Reasons WhyThirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I can relate myself to Hannah is many ways. There are so many people out there who would label me as misunderstood. So yes, there are also individuals that can drive me nuts. Up to the point that I would end my life because it is too painful to live.

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